Salaman Khan’s Dabangg heroine Sonakshi Sinha’s hot bikini stunt on Maxim cover has been creating ripples in Bollywood. This fake bikini photo reminds you of Asin’s Maxim cover that made rounds in internet showing Asin in a skimpy two piece bikini.
Sonakshi Sinha and Asin suffered very much because of this flawless photo shop work which showed them in bikini avatar. Whenever a heroine does photo shoot for Maxim Men’s magazine such kind of fake pics shows up in the internet leaving the targeted in a situation which they can’t avoid but respond
Sonakshi Sinha and Asin suffered very much because of this flawless photo shop work which showed them in bikini avatar. Whenever a heroine does photo shoot for Maxim Men’s magazine such kind of fake pics shows up in the internet leaving the targeted in a situation which they can’t avoid but respond